What are the experiences of different cafes & shop/keepers in the Solidarity Network? Here you will find feedback from some of them:
prostor39, Prague 3
"I think the best thing about the project is that it helps to reduce stereotypes in society towards people without homes. It also teaches us about ourselves, how to set and keep boundaries, how to communicate and help without being taken advantage of."
Bistro Habibi, Prague 2
„From my experience in gastronomy, I can tell, that every single restaurant can feed at least three people in need every single day and it will not break them financially.“
„Z mé zkušenosti v gastronomii můžu říct, že každá restaurace může nasytit alespoň tři osoby v nouzi každý den a nezhroutí se finančně.“
Knihkopec, Prague 7
"Once a lady came in, she was noticeably shy, evidenced by her quiet voice and uncertain behaviour. I was glad that I was able to take that uncertainty away by explaining to her the concept of MM, and that helped her to feel less uncomfortable; she was very touched. I recommended some other social friendly places of MM. She never showed up again, however, I had such a good feeling about the encounter that I will probably never forget it."
Mlsná kavka, Prague 8
"Any one of us can find ourselves in need, it is important to think of those who are not as fortunate as we are."
Family coffee & bistro, Prague 8
"It's definitely good to provide small services for people in need. Any kind of help is very important and it gives people in need the feeling that they are not invisible to their surroundings and that they are human beings, too."
Přístav 7/ Plovárna, Prague 7
"We had an experience when two people came to use the opportunity to warm up their food and take shelter from the cold weather. They ended up chatting with our centre’s visitors. The visitors of the Plovárna were thus mutually enriched."
Kavárna Pražírna, Prague 2
"It's a nice feeling when you can directly help someone. For us and for our customers. Any of us can get into trouble and we believe that all of us deserve another change.„
Studio Hrdinů, Prague 7
"The first gentleman who came to the box office to claim his Místní místním voucher was delighted, he was really looking forward to the show and thanked us profusely. I felt it was something he couldn't have afforded for a very long time."
ROH – družstevní kavárna, Pha 3
"I like that Místní místním (Locals for Locals) encourage people in need to visit the places where they might not otherwise dare to go to. It always makes
us very happy when we can make someone's day with coffee or soup. And we also appreciated at the
beginning (of being involved) the possibility to turn to MM when we found ourselves in a situation where we didn't know how to deal with certain situations.
Last but not least, we appreciate their incredible efforts in promoting the solidarity network and
raising money to subscribe to more vouchers."
Take a look at the current flyer of the solidarity shop/keepers and places who are already involved with us and find out what services they offer.
Videos from Solidarity places
Bistro Habibi in Prague 2 offers 3 types of vouchers for people in need, including a hot drink or a plate with hummus and falafel. It also provides other services such as tap water or free phone charging.
Pracovna in Prague 3 offers people in need free water, phone charging, the possibility of using the toilet, Wi-Fi and hot water for tea.
Do you want to join the Solidarity Network?
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