Why get involved as a café, a shop/keeper or another type of place??
What are the benefits?
1) Enable concrete help for people without homes
It doesn't cost much to offer water or to charge your phone, but it will help people without homes and in need a lot. You create opportunities for them to feel supported by their surroundings and to stand on their own two feet.
2) You won't be on your own
We stay with the places involved for the long term in touch,
take care for the Solidarity network, mediate contact with social services and help the community to solve problems.
3) You will wear a brand of social friendliness
Every place involved helps to build mutual solidarity, friendly neighbourhoods and people's trust in the community in our city. It then engages even the public and together we can
change our city into a more welcoming place.
How to do it?
Provide basic services free of charge. Glass of water freely available? A chance to charge your phone or sit down? Mestruation aids or coffee on a voucher that purchases the customer? Whichever you choose, you're signing up to a network of social friendliness in which you open your place to people in need.
The choice of services to offer is entirely yours. We'll help you prepare and manage the services to make sure that it's manageable and does not disrupt daily operations. Our main goal is to create a dense network of places where those in need will feel safe and confident to ask for the assistance they need.
Do you want to join the Solidarity Network?
Contact us, and we will get in touch with you: